"To reach more diverse audiences, I disseminate the results of my research through scholarly publications, policy briefs, reports, and dashboards."

Human Rights
The relation between social pensions and health among poor older individuals in Colombia: A qualitative study
Ageing and Society, 1-17. (2020)

Social Justice
Child vs. Household MPIs in Colombia: Do they Identify the Same Children as Multidimensionally Poor?
Child Ind Res 13, 777–799 (2020)

Indigenous Populations
Ecosystem Research Experience with two Indigenous Communities of Colombia: The Ecohealth Calendar as a Participatory and Innovative Methodological Tool.
EcoHealth, 1–11. (2016)

Infectious Diseases
KAP Surveys and Dengue Control in Colombia: Disentangling the Effect of Sociodemographic Factors Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 10(9): e0005016. (2016)

Infectious Diseases
Productividad de Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) en viviendas y espacios públicos en una ciudad endémica para dengue en Colombia.
Biomédica, 35(2), 258-68. (2015)