"It fills me with joy to be able to have a positive impact on the lives of my students, and through them on society and myself."
Source: Universidad de los Andes.
"I strongly believe that the learning and teaching experience should extend beyond the four walls of the classroom. It fills me with joy to witness how my courses and mentorship have a positive impact on the lives of my students, which ultimately creates a ripple effect on society and myself."
with students
Some of them ⟶
“I am a nurse, and I was awarded the European Committee for Treatment And Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) 2022 scholarship, which currently links me to the Multiple Sclerosis Center of Catalonia (Cemcat) as a Nurse Fellowship ECTRIMS – 2022. My research interests include reproductive intention and contraception in women with multiple sclerosis”

Physician and epidemiologist from Universidad de los Andes and health data scientist from University College London. With special interest in the analysis of health information and the use of digital technologies for patient care and data collection. He is currently part of the Department of Digital Medicine at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London.
She has a master’s degree in public health and epidemiology from the Universidad de los Andes. She has worked in research on maternal and child nutrition, double burden of malnutrition, food and nutrition security, in addition to conducting evaluations of public health policies. Additionally, she worked in projects of the Universidad de los Andes such as the CoVIDA project, participated as field coordinator and research assistant of the Cohort of Acute Respiratory Failure in children-FARA of the pediatrics graduate program and in the evaluation of barriers and facilitators of the implementation process of the Ten-Year Public Health Plan 2022-2031. She is currently accompanying the implementation and territorial monitoring of the social inclusion strategy in the food support services of the District Secretariat of Social Integration and works as an independent consultant. During this year she will start her doctoral program in Demography at the University of Pennsylvania thanks to the Healthy Food Policy Fellowship of Vital Strategies.
I am a medical graduate from the Universidad de los Andes, I did a double program: Master in Epidemiology and Public Health at the same University. I have worked as a research assistant for the pediatrics graduate program at the School of Medicine of the Universidad de los Andes since 2020 and for the last 3 years I have also been working as Project Coordinator in research and development for the Biosciences Center of SURA Colombia.
“I work as a university professor and manager of well-being services based on promotion strategies and health education. Additionally, I am part of the editor team for technical documents related to disease prevention at an insurance company in Colombia.”
Psychologist from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with a Master’s degree in Public Health from Universidad de los Andes. She has ten years of experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of community and population interventions for the promotion of health and well-being. She is currently part of the Policy and Social Mobilization area of the National Cancer Institute.
I am a physician from the University of Cartagena, specialist in Internal Medicine from the Universidad Libre Barranquilla, Master in Public Health from the Universidad de los Andes and PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Cartagena, I work as an internist, I teach at the Center for Research and Education in Nutrition CIENnutrition, associate researcher and peer reviewer of Minciencias, My research work focuses on liver dysfunction in metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes mellitus, which are diseases considered a public health problem due to their high prevalence. I am also a volunteer physician in Doctors of the World and I have played administrative roles as dean of the health faculty of university foundations.
Source: Universidad de los Andes.